Opening Hours : Week Days 8am-5pm
This is the second term 2024/2025 academic session school calendar /activities to be observed This is the second term 2024/2025 academic session school calendar /activities to be observed
NEWSLETTER FOR SECOND TERM 2024/2025 ACADEMIC SESSION:--- Dear Esteemed Parents/ Guardians We thank Almighty God for seeing us through the first term 2024/2025 Academic Session. We appreciate His mercies and protection over us. We use this medium to welcome our new parents to Trophies International School, thank you for partnering with us. Our unrelenting efforts towards the students in giving them the best still remains the focus and with God on our side, you will not be disappointed (Amen) VACATION AND RESUMPTION:--- We wish to inform our Parents that first term 2024/2025 Academic Session ended on 12th December, 2024 and the school is to resume for second term 2024/2025 Academic Session on January 6th, 2025. INFORMATION DESK FOR SCHOOL FEES AND BUS SERVICE PAYMENT:--- We implore our Parents/Guardians who are indebted to the school to kindly before resumption. Second term school fees can also be paid before the stipulated date of resumption for the smooth and effective running of the school. Payment can be made into any of the school accounts stated below: Zenith bank: 1014822314 Access bank: 0764308240 FCMB 2850203012 (Trophies Associates, for books and bus only. Nursery section School fees 28000 Primary section (1-2) School fees 30000 Primary section (3-4) School fees 31000 Primary 5 School fees 31,000 Lesson and common entrance 14000 Junior Secondary (JSS 1-2) School fees 40500 Senior Secondary ( SS 1-2) School fees (science) 51000 School fees (Arts/commercial) 48000 School Fees payment: During holiday to second Week of resumption. -School fees drive: Third Week of Resumption. Parents should also note that no child will be picked without paying for the bus services before resumption. Do call and notify the school management if you wish to subscribe for school bus service so as to enable us conclude plans on bus routine. You might call the numbers as follows: 09130543664, 08133887378 or 08038200339 for enquires EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:--- We wish to inform our Parents/Guardians that WAEC, NECO and BECE Registration have commenced. The registration fees is as follows. Junior Secondary (JSS 3) School fees (2nd & 3rd term), BECE, lesson, graduation 118000 Senior Secondary (SS 3) School fees (2nd & 3rd term), WEAC, NECO, lesson, graduation (science) 219000 (Arts/commercial) 213000 NOTE:--- The Deadline for the registration is January 10th, 2024. This is to be paid to school account HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT:--- We solicit to our parents’ cooperation towards the close monitoring of the children during this festive period. You should also assist in ensuring that they do their assignments. Defaulters of these assignments will be sanctioned after resumption. CHECKING OF RESULT:--- Kindly check your ward(s) results Go to the school Website: *Click on LOGIN and use Admission No and password to login * Go to my report sheet *Select the year and enter your pin carefully. SCHOOL UNIFORMS:--- Please note that the insistence of the school that students should wear specified uniforms on specified days is to improve the school image and to train your wards towards good conformist tendency and in compliance with laid down rules. COMPLETE SCHOOL UNIFORMS:--- Students should dress up neatly in the complete uniform. SECONDARY BOYS : Trousers, shirt,suit/jacket, tie,white socks and pure black shoes. PRIMARY BOYS: Shorts, shirt, white socks and pure black shoes. SECONDARY GIRLS: Skirt, blouse, suit/jacket, tie, beret/ hijab,white socks and pure black shoes. PRIMARY GIRLS: Pinafore, blouse, white socks and pure black shoes. On Wednesday and Thursday students/ pupils should come in games wear and inter house sport wear of the House they belong to and white canvas and white socks. On Friday, students should dress in plain black jeans (not stoned wash or crazy jean), Orange T ’shirts and black shoe and white socks . NAILS: Some students keep long nails. This is not healthy and safe in the school environment. EARRINGS: The recommended earrings for girls is stud only. HAIRSTYLE (GIRLS):--- The school allows the girls to either come in simple braids (to lasts for four weeks) or plait the prescribed fortnightly hairstyle (a minimum of 12 pieces). The braids must be knotted neatly. Surprisingly, some girls come in neatly in the morning, but after one or two periods of lessons, they undo the knots and flaunt the braids. Some come from their homes looking very shabby in their hairstyles. This will no longer be tolerated. Anyone found wanting will be sent home or quarantined. NOTE:--- No beads is allowed for upper primary and secondary classes BOYS: (hairstyles) haircuts such as galaxy, afro, round cuts, carvings, etc. are not allowed in the school. Boys should be on low cut. SICKNESS/ILL HEALTH:--- We appeal to parents to please keep all sick children at home especially those with illness /diseases that are highly infectious/contagious such as conjunctivitis, cough, cold, catarrh and so on. If such children are brought to the school, they will not be allowed into the classrooms. We will appreciate your cooperation. ADMISSION:--- Admission into Creche, Nursery, Primary and Secondary is on. We implore you to help advertise Trophies International School where every child is a genius to your friends and neighbors. Please notify us when you do, so as to enable us appreciate you the more. Thanks in anticipation. We wish our Christian parent a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. See you on 6th January, 2025 by God's grace. MANAGEMENT